Soil mechanics : an introduction to the theory and practice of design and construction
- New York : McGraw-Hill, 1951.
- xx, 655 p.
1. Special features of foundation and soil engineering;2. The formation of soils, geology, agricultural soil science and civil engineering;3. Definitions and tests related to the properties of the solid soil particles;4. Definitions and tests related to the density and to the consistency of soils. Capillary phenomena;5. Permeability of soils. Ground-water movements. Frost action;6. The consolidation of soils;7. The shearing stength and the shearing deformation of soils;8. The stability of vertical cuts and of slopes;9. The stress distribution in soils. The bearing capacity of soils;10. Lateral earth pressures;11. The compaction and the stabilization of soils;12. Exploration and classification of soils;13. The selection of a suitable type of foundation;14. Spread foundations. Excavations;15. Pile and caisson foundations. Sheet piling. Underpinning;16. Earth-retaining structures. Cofferdams. Tunnels and conduits;17. Some soil engineering aspects of dam construction;18. Effects of vibratory and o slow repetitional loading of soils. Machinery foundations;19. Some soil engineering aspects of highway and airport construction