Sensors and actuators: 1989 : SP-771 / Society of Automotive Engineers. - Warrendale : Society of Automotive Engineers, 1989. - 145 p.

International Congress and Exposition (Febrero 27-marzo 3: Detroit, Michigan).

Switching controlled thermal mass air flow sensor - Wide-range air-fuel ratio sensor - Algorithms for air-fuel ratio estimation using internal combustion engine cylinder pressure - A hot wire air flow meter for intake air flow measurement - High performance resistive position sensors - The application of microcontrollers to automotive smart sensors - Application possibilities and future chances of "Smart" sensors in the motor vehicle - An improved shunt activated wieand pulser - The characteristics of high temperature thermistor with new materials - A bright future for thick film sensor - A thick film accelerometer for electronic suspension control - Magnetostrictive torque sensors - Derivation of transducer model - Magnetostrictive torque sensors - Analysis of performance limits - Start of combustion sensor - On-line cylinder diagnostics on combustion engines by noncontact torque and speed measurements - Cylinder by cylinder engine pressure and pressure torque waveform determination utilizing speed fluctuations.


