Commercial methods of analysis /
by Foster Dee Snell and Frank M. Biffen.
- New York : McGraw-Hill, 1944.
- vii ; 753 p.
- International chemical series .
General - Tools of the analyst - General procedures - Preliminaries to the analysis - Qualitative analysis by micro and spot tests - Hydrogen-ion determination and electrometric titration - Halogens - Combined nitrogen - Sulfur and its compounds - Minerals - Water analysis - Fixed alkalies and alkaline salts - Cement and mortar - Ferrous metals - Aluminum and light aluminum alloys - Copper-base alloys - Saponifiable fats and oils - Sulfated oil and related products - Soap and soap products - Heavy-metal soaps - Lubricating greases - Waxy substances - Solvents and thinners - Alcohols - Paints, varnishes, lacquers, and resins - Synthetic resins - White pigments, extenders, and mineral fillers - Colored pigments and mineral colors - Oil and wax emulsions - Rubber - Miscellaneous rubber analysis and synthetic elastomers - Analysis of coal - Gas analysis - Paper, paper fibers, textile fibers, and starches - Sugar and sugar products - Petroleum products - Pyrethrins and rotenone - Indicator, reagent, and volumetric solutions.