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Manual on the use of thermocouples in temperature measurement / American Society for Testing and Materials.

Por: Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries Special technical publication ; 470 ADetalles de publicación: Pennsylvania : ASTM, 1974.Descripción: 252 p. : figuras, tablasTema(s): Alcance y contenido: Introduction - Principles of thermoelectric thermometry - Thermocouple materials - Thermocouples hardware and fabrication - Sheathed, compacted ceramica-insulated thermocouples - Emf measurements - Reference junctions - Calibration of thermocuoples - Installation effects - Reference tables fr thermocouples - Cryogenics.
Tipo de ítem: Libro
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Introduction - Principles of thermoelectric thermometry - Thermocouple materials - Thermocouples hardware and fabrication - Sheathed, compacted ceramica-insulated thermocouples - Emf measurements - Reference junctions - Calibration of thermocuoples - Installation effects - Reference tables fr thermocouples - Cryogenics.

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