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Por: Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoAnalíticas: Mostrar analíticasDetalles de publicación: New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 2003.Edición: 2nd. edDescripción: xi, 644 pISBN:
  • 0130646326
Tema(s): Alcance y contenido: 1- Concrete as a material. 2- Historical development of cement and concrete. 3- Cements. 4- Hydration of portland cement. 5- Mineral admixtures and blended cements. 6- Water. 7- Aggregates. 8- Chemical admixtures. 9- Fresh concrete. 10- Proportioning concrete mixes. 11- Concrete construction practices. 12- Curing. 13- Response of concrete to stress. 14- Testing of hardened concrete- 15- Quality concrete. 16-Time-dependent deformation. 17- Other properties of concrete. 18- Durability. 19- Hight-strength concrete. 20- Concretes for special applications. 21- Cement-polymer composites. 22- Fiber reinforced concrete.
Tipo de ítem: Libro
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666.94 MIN-Bloque 21 Concrete 666.94 MIN-Bloque 21 Concrete 666.94 MIN-Bloque 21 Concrete 666.94 MIN-Bloque 21 Concrete 666.94 MIN-Bloque 21 Concrete 666.94 NEV Bloque 21 Properties of concrete / 666.94 NEV Bloque 21 Properties of concrete /

1- Concrete as a material. 2- Historical development of cement and concrete. 3- Cements. 4- Hydration of portland cement. 5- Mineral admixtures and blended cements. 6- Water. 7- Aggregates. 8- Chemical admixtures. 9- Fresh concrete. 10- Proportioning concrete mixes. 11- Concrete construction practices. 12- Curing. 13- Response of concrete to stress. 14- Testing of hardened concrete- 15- Quality concrete. 16-Time-dependent deformation. 17- Other properties of concrete. 18- Durability. 19- Hight-strength concrete. 20- Concretes for special applications. 21- Cement-polymer composites. 22- Fiber reinforced concrete.

Fracture energy of rice-husk ash concrete. por
Tipo de material: Artículo Artículo
En: Proceedings. International Symposium on High Strenght/High Performance Concrete (7th : June 20-24, 2005 : Washington, USA) ACI/SP 228, Vol.1, 2005, pp.111-122
Disponibilidad: Ítems disponibles para préstamo: (1).
Development of self-compacting concrete for prefabricated street furniture. por
Tipo de material: Artículo Artículo
En: Achieving sustainability in construction, Vol.1. International Congress Global Construction: Ultimate Concrete Opportunities (6th : 2005 : Dundee, Scotland) pp.151-158.
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Development and application of fibre-reinforced self-compacting concrete. por
Tipo de material: Artículo Artículo
En: Young researchers Forum. International Congress Global Construction: Ultimate Concrete Opportunities (6th : 2005 : Dundee, Scotland) pp.165-172.
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Use of small beams to obtain design parameters of fibre reinforced concrete. por
Tipo de material: Artículo Artículo; Formato: impreso
En: Cement and concrete composites 2007Article in Press, Corrected Proof
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Failure mechanism of normal and high-strength concrete with rice-husk ash. por
Tipo de material: Artículo Artículo; Formato: impreso
En: Cement and concrete composites Volume 29, Issue 7, August 2007, pp. 566-574
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